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陳宜誠律師/北美智權 教育訓練處 處長

Amazon公司新近(March 18, 2014)獲證能讓攝影者可以得到白色背景拍照結果之「攝影棚擺設方式」(Studio Arrangement)專利(Patent #: US8,676,045,下稱’045專利)(如圖一),比起Amazon公司以前的「一鍵購買」(One-Click)專利(Patent#: US5,960,411),甚至已經被再審查全部都無效掉的「奶油花生醬三明治製法專利(Patent#: US6,004,596),都讓人更覺得不可思議、更令人不敢置信。

圖一、US 專利號:8,676,045



2. A studio arrangement, comprising: a background comprising a cyclorama; a front light source positioned in a longitudinal axis intersecting the background, the longitudinal axis further being substantially perpendicular to a surface of the background; an image capture position located between the background and the front light source in the longitudinal axis; an elevated platform positioned at a first distance from the elevated platform and between the image capture position and the background along the longitudinal axis, the front light source being directed toward the elevated platform; a first at least one rear light source positioned between the elevated platform and the background, the at least one rear light source directed towards the background; a second at least one rear light source positioned in a lateral axis intersecting the elevated platform and being substantially perpendicular to the longitudinal axis; at least one light shield positioned between the second at least one rear light source and the elevated platform, the at least one light shield configured to shield the elevated platform from light emitted directly from the second at least one rear light source from lighting an upper surface of the elevated platform; and wherein a top surface of the elevated platform reflects light emanating from the background such that the elevated platform appears a substantially similar color as the background and a rear edge of the elevated platform is substantially imperceptible to an image capture device positioned at the image capture position. 





如前期文章《阿里巴巴專利大刀砍向台灣 企業如何迴避?》中筆者受訪所述,這種屬於「一般常識」(Common Sense)、「背景知識」(background knowledge)與「業界慣行」(Common Practice)之「明顯可試」(Obvious to Try)的狀況,筆者認為任何合格的專利審查員,應該都能「一望即知」該申請案並不具備進步性,所以專利商標局根本不應該授予其專利才對。






這是因為CAFC遲於2014年5月27日做成K/S HIMPP v. Hear-Wear Technologies案的判決,仍然表示它對於所找到的前案、一般常識、業界慣行或為明顯可試的佐證資料,需要是「書面」資料的要求,完全沒有鬆動。在該案判決中,它仍然對於新穎性或進步性的核駁,認為需要有書面的佐證資料!


圖三、US 專利號:7,016,512


H/S HIMPP公司認為Hear-Wear Technologies公司的該'512專利,其中的請求項3與9(如下所示),描述助聽器必要特徵中的連接器(如圖Fig.12C所示),其實就是個普通的插座而已,因為不具非顯而易見性(進步性),為已知前案(助聽器與普通插頭)的輕易組合,而應該判定為無效,因此其向USPTO申請該專利的多方複審(Inter-Parte Review),但遭到USPTO複審與上訴委員會(類似於我國的訴願委員會)的敗訴決定,而上訴CAFC。

3. The at least partially in-the-canal module for a hearing aid of claim 2wherein said insulated wiring portion is terminated by a plurality of prongs that provide a detachable mechanical and electrical connection to an audio processing module.
9. The hearing aid of claim 8 wherein said insulated wiring portion is terminated by a plurality of prongs that provide a detachable mechanical and electrical connection to said behind-the-ear module.







因此,我希望這個K/S HIMPP v. Hear-Wear Technologies案子能夠上訴美國聯邦最高法院,而Amazon的攝影棚擺設專利也是一樣,應該也要被判決無效的(尤其是請求項 2,這是因為此專利其他的請求項都比請求項2特定,所以專利範圍十分狹窄,並不足為患),這是因為它們都明顯違反美國聯邦最高法院於KSR案中所明白揭示的準則,以及USPTO隨之於2007年修正與公佈的專利進步性審查基準,因此筆者認為不應該給予專利權的保護。



  1. Joe Silver, Amazon’s latest patent is sillier than the peanut butter sandwich patent, artstechnica.com, May 9 2014, 2:50am +0800.
  2. ”a hearing aid with three main parts: a behind-the-ear audio processing module, an in-the-canal module, and a connector between the modules.”參’512專利col. 1 ll. 17–20.
  3. “Every purchaser of electrical devices in the United States for the past 50 years or more is familiar with multipronged electrical connections,” wrote the lone dissenting judge in Hear-Wear.


作者: 陳宜誠 律師
現任: 北美智權教育訓練處處長/首席研究員
經歷: 美商諾曼第燃料電池 技術長
英商英特維數位科技 董事長特助
台灣電腦專案事業部 負責人
東吳大學法律研究所 碩士
台灣大學電機研究所 碩士


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